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East Ohio Conference News
Monday-Thursday, June 11-14, 2018
BUSINESS | June 11-14, 2018
East Ohio 2018 Annual Conference Report
Bishop Tracy S. Malone presided over the 49th session of Annual Conference when 691 clergy members and 764 lay members gathered at Lakeside Chautauqua on the shore of Lake Erie. This year’s theme Bearing Fruit that Lasts: Called explored what it means to be called and equipped as followers of Jesus Christ. John 15:13-17 (CEB) was the theme scripture. Report | Live Streaming Archive | Entire Annual Conference Photo Collection.
BUSINESS | June 11-14, 2018
Resolution Results
Eleven resolutions, including one that was submitted by the 2018 Youth Annual Conference, were considered and voted on during the 2018 Annual Conference. View details of each resolution and their outcomes. Resolutions
Monday, June 11, 2018
WORSHIP | June 11, 2018
Service of Commemoration and Holy Communion
In keeping with tradition, the 49th session of the East Ohio Annual Conference began with a Service of Commemoration and Holy Communion in Hoover Auditorium. As the conference centered their hearts and minds in God’s presence, dancers from Lorain Wesley UMC carried in symbols of our covenantal life: the light of Christ, the water of baptism, the bread and the cup. Article | Photo Gallery
BUSINESS | June 11, 2018
Rev. Dawan Buie opened the business session in prayer.
“This may not be business as usual but unusual business for your grace and mercy God because we need you in the world today. We ask that your grace will come and enliven us and strengthen us so that we might be bold and courageous to bear fruit that lasts,” he said. Article | Photo Gallery
BUSINESS | June 11, 2018
Episcopal Address: The Mission is Yet Alive
“I am honored to be your bishop and continue to praise God for what God is accomplishing through our shared ministry … the ministry of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world,” Bishop Tracy S. Malone stated during her Episcopal Address. “The mission is our grace-filled response to the reign of God in the world announced by Jesus.” Video and Article | Photo Gallery
WORSHIP | June 11, 2018
Celebration of Retirement
Bishop Tracy S. Malone addressed her remarks to the “beloved children of God” as she celebrated the ministries and sacrifices of the 39 members of the retirement class of 2018, the second largest class in the history of the East Ohio Conference representing 1,135 years of ministry and pastoral wisdom. The scripture reading expressed “thanks to God for you,” as the choir anthem testified that God has been seen in their work. Article | Photo Gallery
Tuesday, June 12, 2018
WORSHIP | June 12, 2018
Untamed and in Love
As we gathered in worship on Tuesday morning, we were invited to live into a moment of remembrance. The liturgy we shared recalled our coming together to form The United Methodist Church. Historical video clips from the Methodist and Evangelical United Brethren Churches were interspersed with spoken liturgy calling us not only to remember the path we have traveled, but also to remember the Holy Spirit that draws us forward together. Article | Photo Gallery
BUSINESS | June 12, 2018
Many ministries that are living into the East Ohio Conference vision have been spotlighted during Annual Conference 2018. Following Monday’s emphasis on being, making, and maturing disciples of Jesus Christ, Tuesday focused on being agents of God’s transformation in our communities and throughout the world. Article | Morning Business Photo Gallery | Afternoon Business Photo Gallery
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
WORSHIP | June 13, 2018
Don't Settle for the T-Shirt
Wednesday morning worship began with spirit-filled music led by the Garfield Memorial Mosaic Worship Team. Across Hoover Auditorium, worshippers lifted their arms in praise, clapping and singing “all the praise is yours, blessing and power, glory and honor.” Rev Chip Freed’s message centered around Acts 8: 26-39, Phillip sharing the gospel with the eunuch. Article | Photo Gallery
BUSINESS | June 13, 2018
“The wind of the Spirit blows across us and if we keep engaging in conversations with each other, pushing ever forward, we will bear fruit – fruit that lasts,” the Rev. Sondra Snode, dean of the Cabinet, said in the Cabinet presentation that opened Wednesday’s business session. Article | Photo Gallery
WORSHIP | June 13, 2018
Service of Ordination and Commissioning
Wednesday morning worship began with spirit-filled music led by the Garfield Memorial Mosaic Worship Team. Across Hoover Auditorium, worshippers lifted their arms in praise, clapping and singing “all the praise is yours, blessing and power, glory and honor.” Rev Chip Freed’s message centered around Acts 8: 26-39, Phillip sharing the gospel with the eunuch. Article | Photo Gallery
Thursday, June 14, 2018
WORSHIP | June 14, 2018
Fully Alive
Thursday morning's worship service began with the praise team with drums, electric bass, violin and electric/acoustic guitar, leading the gathered congregation of Annual Conference in singing a relaxed tempo version of "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" followed by "This is the Air I Breathe." Article | Photo Gallery
BUSINESS| June 14, 2018
The final two resolutions, a shared learning session, and a performance from the 96 children who participated in Vacation Bible School filled Thursday’s business session. Dr. Joseph Daniels, Jr., lead pastor of Emory United Methodist Church in the Baltimore-Washington Conference, shared personal experiences – and the context behind them. Article | Photos
2018 Annual Conference Theme
We will explore what it means to be called and equipped as followers of Jesus Christ when we gather June 11-14 at Lakeside Chautauqua for Annual Conference 2018. The 49th session of Annual Conference will be the second year of our quadrennial theme Bearing Fruit that Lasts: Called, Committed, Connected.
CALLED: John 15:13-17 (CEB), the concluding verses of our quadrennial Scripture passage, John 15:1-17, will guide our worship services, while business sessions will reinforce our EOC vision to equip and support pastors, congregations and faith communities to grow in their capacity to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.