
Breakfast & Lunch
Meals will be available for purchase a la carte in the main floor rotunda of the John S. Knight Center. You may purchase breakfast prior to 9:00 a.m. worship and lunch during the 12:30-2:00 p.m. (Thursday/Friday) and 1:00-2:30 p.m. (Saturday) meal breaks.

Special Event Meals
You have the opportunity again this year to purchase meals for the special events detailed below. You will pre-order and pre-pay for these meals on the AC 2024 registration page in the following ways:

  • order at the time that you register for Clergy Session and/or Annual Conference. Note that AC registration closes at the end of the day on Friday, May 17.


  • add a meal(s) later but before the end of the day on Sunday, June 2. To do this:
    • click on the AC 2024 registration link,
    • click on Modify Registration,
    • enter the e-mail address you used to register for AC 2024,
    • enter the Reference # you received in the e-mail confirming your AC 2024 registration.

If you would like to purchase a meal but you are not a member of Annual Conference, contact Melanie Thomas at or (330) 499-3972 ext. 102. You will not be able to register for Special Event meals after June 2 or at the door.


Thursday, June 13

Spiritual Direction & Ways to Pray luncheon is an opportunity to eat and spend time with East Ohio Conference spiritual directors Jenny Gee and Sharon Seyfarth Garner practicing a few short prayers and answering the questions: What is spiritual direction? and How do I find a spiritual director? Karl S. Hay Room. Cost is $12. Capacity is 120 people.

Making the Most of Your Wespath Health Benefits luncheon is an opportunity to hear from Wespath Benefits and Investments representatives about the many benefits laity and clergy receive from participating in plans offered by Wespath. BF Goodrich Room. Cost is $12. Capacity is 60 people.

Abundant Health luncheon led by Rev. Katie Meek, a Global Ministries missionary serving as the mission advocate for our denomination’s North Central Jurisdiction, is a workshop highlighting healing ministries taking place in East Ohio Conference partner churches in Liberia, Zimbabwe, and Cambodia. Bridgestone / Firestone Room. Cost is $12. Capacity is 60 people.

Fellowship of Associate Members and Local Pastors luncheon for members in good standing will elect the 2024-2025 board of directors, revise its constitution, and honor milestones reached by members since last year’s Annual Conference. Akron First UMC. Cost is $12. Capacity is 75 people.

Friday, June 14

Breakfast with the Missionaries (served from 7:45-8:45 a.m.) offers participants a chance to learn about covenanting with Mission Advocate for the North Central Jurisdiction Rev. Katie Meek and Willie Berman, director of Manos Juntas Mission in Rio Bravo, Mexico, while hearing about the Rio Bravo ministry and the Nuevo Progresso ministry in Tamaulipas, Mexico. Foundations Room. Cost is $10. Capacity is 25 people.

Eating for the Battle Ahead is an opportunity to have lunch with and be inspired for ministry by Annual Conference 2024 keynote speaker the Rev. Dr. Ronald Bell, the director of Healing and Resilience for Discipleship Ministries and The Upper Room. Rev. Dr. Bell will present during Annual Conference on Friday and Saturday mornings. Karl S. Hay Room. Cost is $12. Capacity is 120 people.

Financial Health, Wespath, and You luncheon is an opportunity for participants to hear from, and ask questions of, Wespath Benefits and Investment representatives about financial health and things they can do to move toward it in today’s consumer-driven world. Bridgestone/Firestone Room. Cost is $12. Capacity is 60 people.

Health from the Chair luncheon workshop led by Green Family YMCA Health and Wellness Director Amy Scott will offer participants simple moves and exercises they can do to combat the effects of hours of sitting at work or at home – even walking or high movement in not an option. BF Goodrich Room. Cost is $12. Capacity is 60 people.

Saturday, June 15

Spiritual Practices to Soothe Your Conference Soul is an opportunity to eat lunch while spending time with East Ohio Conference spiritual directors Laurie Tucker and Theresa Carter learning about spiritual direction and discovering several guided spiritual practices. Bridgestone/Firestone Room. Cost is $12. Capacity is 60 people.

The Why’s and How’s of Renewal Leave luncheon led by members of the Board of Ministry who have taken renewal leaves will share the biblical and theological groundings of renewal leave and the importance of clergy and laity understanding the need for clergy to take a leave every four years. Karl S. Hay Room. Cost is $12. Capacity is 60 people.

Black Pastor's Fellowship continues to bring members together more than 37 years after its first meal to collectively celebrate church and community life events of the past year, to share and be in prayer together, and to discuss ways the fellowship can be visiblie in and beyond the East Ohio Conference assuring a supportive spirit to all. OMNOVA Room. Cost is $5. Capacity is 35 people.

Methodist Federation for Social Action (MFSA) luncheon welcomes participants to hear from keynote speakers Dr. Martha Banks and Dr. Gloria Brown discussing Israeli/Palestinian issues and to be present for the announcement of the 2024 Bishop James S. Thomas Leadership Award. BF Goodrich Room. Cost is $20. Capacity 65 people.