Black History Month Week 1 Focus: What is the Black College Fund, Why Does it Matter?

The Black College Fund was established by The United Methodist Church in 1972 as part of our commitment to racial justice and equity in education. The fund supports the 11 Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) that are related to The United Methodist Church. HBCUs were established in response to the racism and segregation that prevented Black students from having the opportunity for higher education.

The East Ohio Conference, through our apportionments, financially supports the Black College Fund to continue to make a difference in the lives of students today. Each year at Annual Conference we are intentional about highlighting the Black College Fund by inviting a student ambassador from a United Methodist-affiliated HBCU to share how the Black College Fund has personally impacted their education and their future.

February is Black History Month in the United States and Canada. Each week during the month this column will showcase a video of a past ambassador’s inspirational message to the laity and clergy of East Ohio.

You are encouraged to watch and incorporate the videos into a worship service and/or a small group conversation about the Black College Fund and our United Methodist Church HBCUs. Learn about and support our UMC Black College Fund.

Our East Ohio Conference Multicultural Ministries team in the Connectional Ministries office has assembled a wealth of resources from across the Church to empower your and your congregation to learn more about Black History Month and to celebrate the life-changing contributions of Black Americans.

Visit the EOC Black History Month resource page.

Storyboard: Faith Witness Transformation
Episode 51 The UMC Responds to Disasters

The Storyboard: Faith Witness Transformation podcast shares about ministries across the East Ohio Conference of The United Methodist Church that are transforming lives locally, nationally, and globally.

Produced twice-a-month by EOC Communications, each podcast episode highlights one of the #BeUMC campaign core values that connect the people of The United Methodist Church — Disciple Making; Belonging & Inclusion; Influence, Connection & Impact; and Experience of God through The UMC.

Episode 51 hosts a roundtable discussion with laity and clergy from four UMC conferences across three states who rolled up their sleeves and gave of their time and hearts to help with a short-term Emergency Response Team (ERT) trip in Georgia after the devastation of Hurricane Helene.

ERTs exist for members to use their gifts and skills to assist after a disaster, providing emotional and spiritual support as an outgrowth of our discipleship. 

“You need some people on the team that know what to do and how to do it and can teach someone else. But anybody can join in doing what we do,” said Pastor Pete Elliott, who serves in the West Ohio Conference and was a member of the team to Georgia.

Learn more about Early Response Team ministries.
Listen to previous Storyboard podcast episodes.
View clergy and laity sharing their #BeUMC stories.

Bishop Hee-Soo Jung Touring Ohio UM Churches, Hosting Days Apart in Districts

Bishop Hee-Soo Jung Touring Ohio UM Churches, Hosting Days Apart in Districts

Bishop Hee-Soo Jung is resident bishop of the new Ohio Episcopal Area, consisting of the East Ohio and West Ohio Conferences of The United Methodist Church.

The bishop has set a goal of visiting all 1,000 churches across the two conferences. He visited seven churches in each conference the week of January 20. On Saturday, January 25 he hosts the first of 10 “A Day Apart with Bishop: Healing and Restoration in Community”. On each of the days Bishop Jung will have set apart time with clergy in the morning and laity in the evening. His message will be grounded in the words of Mark 2:1-12.

Days apart with Bishop Jung in East Ohio are:

  • February 27
    UMC of Macedonia (Northern Waters District)

  • March 1
    Thoburn UMC (South Forest District)

  • March 10
    Ashland Christ UMC (West Plains District)

  • March 13
    Navarre Otterbein UMC (Central Valley District)

Clergy of the district are invited to join Bishop Jung on those days beginning at 9:30 a.m. for a morning of worship and Bible study, followed by lunch, a session on district strategy and visioning, conversation with the bishop, and a closing worship service at 3:00 p.m. with communion.

Laity of the district are invited to join Bishop Jung at 5:00 p.m. those days for dinner, a worship service and Bible study, and a conversation on vision and ministry.

Learn more about Bishop’s days in the districts.

Equipping local churches to be, make, and mature disciples of Jesus Christ

Messages from our Episcopal leader

MESSAGES FROM OUR EPISCOPAL LEADER: Bishop Hee-Soo Jung is resident bishop of the Ohio Episcopal Area consisting of the East Ohio and West Ohio Conferences of The United Methodist Church. View Bishop Jung’s Soul Food messages to Ohio laity and clergy.

Annual Conference 2025

ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2025: The 56th session of Annual Conference is June 12-14 on the College of Wooster campus. Worship services will be in McGaw Chapel and business plenary sessions will be on the indoor track & Gault Recreation Center courts of the Scot Center. Learn more about AC 2025.

Clergy Appointments

CLERGY APPOINTMENTS: Bishop Hee-Soo Jung and his Cabinet make clergy appointments with a commitment to open itineracy, consideration of the gifts and God’s grace of those appointed, and the needs and opportunities of congregations. View the clergy appointments/changes of status list.

Conference Stands Against Racism

EOC STANDS AGAINST RACISM: Bishop Hee-Soo Jung, the Cabinet, Executive staff, and East Ohio laity and clergy are committed to stand against racism. Visit the Stand Against Racism resource page for small group studies, videos, podcasts, books, and more to learn how you can stand against racism.
