Home | Pathways to Ministry | Retirees' Association
If you are retired full member, associate member, probationary member, deacon, diaconal minister, local pastor or a spouse or surviving spouse of any retiree you are eligible to be a member of the East Ohio Conference Retirees' Association.
By making an annual contribution to the Association – suggested amounts are $10 per couple and $5 for an individual. Each year in late April or early May all eligible persons on the list above for whom we have current addresses receive a mailing announcing our annual dinner. That mailing provides information about making reservations for the dinner, making a contribution to the Association, and contributing to the publication costs of The Old Apple Tree. We invite all who are eligible to become contributing members!
Paul R. White
President, East Ohio Conference
Retirees Association
(330) 478-1319
The East Ohio Conference Office:
located in North Canton, OH,
near Akron-Canton Airport.
8800 Cleveland Ave. NW
North Canton, OH 44720
(330) 499-3972
Office Hours:
Monday through Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
© East Ohio Conference. All Rights Reserved.