2023 Resolutions

Resolution 2023-03: “Supporting the Christmas Covenant”
General Church Budget Implications: None
East Ohio Conference Implications: Yes

Whereas: the connectional ties between the church in the United States and the Central Conferences is
of sacred worth, and is vital to the ministry and work of the global United Methodist Church; and

Whereas: delegates and leaders from Africa, the Philippines, and Europe worked together towards a response to how we move forward as a global church: and

Whereas: delegates and leaders from Central Conferences rarely submit legislation to General Conference; and

Whereas: the creation of a U.S. Regional Conference and conversion of the Central Conferences to Regional Conferences, as outlined in the Christmas Covenant help to establish structural parity throughout the global church; and

Whereas: the creation of a U.S. Regional Conference, as outlined in the Christmas Covenant will align and establish the governance necessary to allow the church to accommodate ministry across various contexts, and more effectively make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world; and

Whereas: the Cavite Annual Conference in the Philippines endorsed and submitted the petition to the General Conference and Annual Conferences in the SEJ and SCJ have affirmed the petition; and

Therefore: we urge the East Ohio Annual Conference to support the Christmas Covenant.

Now, therefore be it resolved: we, the East Ohio Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church support the Christmas Covenant legislation in full, including the creation of a US Regional Conference; and

Be it further resolved: that we, the East Ohio Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church, recognize and support the leadership of our Central Conferences in the creation and furtherance of the Christmas Covenant legislation; and

Be it further resolved: the Conference secretary shall send copies of this resolution to all delegates to General Conference from the East Ohio Annual Conference, and urge them to support the Christmas Covenant and to make such legislation a priority for the East Ohio AC delegation at General Conference in 2024; and

Be it further resolved: the Conference secretary shall send copies of this resolution to the Commission on the General Conference and urge them to take such action as is necessary for the full consideration of legislation related to the Christmas Covenant from the Philippines Cavite Annual Conference by a Committee of the Whole, and the General Conference in 2024.

Submitted by: East Ohio Methodist Federation for Social Action