"Do not forget those who are in prison. Remember them as if you were in prison with them.
Remember those who are suffering as if you were suffering with them." - Hebrews 13:3
Clery and laity are invited to make a difference in our mission fields in the East Ohio Conference through participation in the ministry of All In Community, a modern-day, Biblical response to the impact and aftermath of mass incarceration. All In Community is for all who are involved in one way or another with the criminal justice system.
With 1 in 3 Americans living with a criminal record and 50% of American families touching the justice system through an immediate family members, there is much repair and restorative work to be done.
Our Future
A world of justice, love, and peace filled with people healed from crime and incarcerations and growing in the likeness of Jesus Christ.
Our Mission
To train, resource, and connect churches to embrace our members and neighbors impacted by crime and incarceration.
Our Purpose
To engage individuals, churches, criminal justice professionals, and community leaders at the local level to restore hope and support healing in lives involved in the criminal justice system.
If you would like to be added to the All In Community email news list, contact Reba Collins by e-mail.
Community Family Forum | March 26 at New London UMC
For a person being released from prison and their support system, reentering the community can be a challenging time. For family members and loved ones who are committed to assisting them, we want you to have the knowledge and be prepared as you take on this important role. Please join the Office of Reentry to get information, ask questions, and participate in discussions about what to expect and how to address some of your concerns. The event takes place at New London UMC (58 E. Main St., New London, OH 44851) on March 26 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. There is no cost to attend but you do need to register in advance. See flyer below for details and the registration link.
HOPE Letters Monthly Meeting | Second Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m., online
HOPE Letters is a signature initiative of AIC that is endorsed by the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction to provide a mentorship through correspondence opportunity for it’s residents as they prepare to return home. More details and registration on the flyer below.
Frankly Speaking with Four Friends | First Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m., online
This will be an opportunity to engage with restored neighbors in conversations that will enlighten people about their lived experiences to reduce the stigma around incarceration. More details on the flyer below.
Wellness Wednesdays | Last Wednesday of each month at 12:30 p.m., online
Wellness Wednesdays are our newest gift to our community and community partners. We cannot do this thing called life without God and without one another. And so, we want to continue undergirding you personally, those that you are walking with in ministry, and even your family. Wellness Wednesdays provide a safe online space, a brave space, to receive good tips on how to maintain health and well-being. Focused on living out the Scriptures and being present for those who are impacted by criminal justice systems, this time together provides real-time conversation and real-time education around creative ways to care for ourselves as we do ministry work. Join this online community that addresses and uplifts the critical need for nurturing. Virtual room opens at 11:30 a.m., session starts at 12:30 p.m., and we will finish by 1:30 p.m. There is no cost, and you only need to register once to get the link and meeting reminders.
Registration and Details
Introduction Video
30 Days of Prayer with All In Community
The Four Friends Speakers Bureau has been continually active and engaging this year. Many different opportunities for them to share about their lived experience have been made available in many ways. They have shared stories during worship services, and they have led worship services. They have given testimony at the Ohio State Legislature on behalf of proposed bills. They have presented information sessions online to criminal justice professionals. They have engaged with grassroots efforts to eliminate collateral consequences for those formerly incarcerated with felony convictions. And, they have gathered to share stories amongst themselves. What a privilege it has been to learn so much from these amazing individuals! The depth of their love of God keeps growing and growing every day, transforming others in the process as well.
Earlier this year, one of the Four Friends speakers spoke during a worship service and then greeted people as they left. Some of the parishioners stopped by the All In Community display table that was set up to learn more. One parishioner was dismayed because she was not able to participate or support the ministries that were highlighted. The Four Friends speaker said that one thing she could do for us was to pray. Pray for All In Community. Pray for the returning neighbors that were supported through our ongoing efforts. Pray for those who were currently incarcerated. The parishioner replied happily that she could do that, and she certainly would!
From one simple encounter, a new ministry through All In Community has begun. Thanks to the Rev. Rae Lynn Schleif and Barbara Coleman, volunteer coordinator and ally for the Four Friends Speakers Bureau, the 30 Days of Prayer is a beautiful perpetual calendar that prays for those impacted by crime, incarceration, reentry, and restoration. Each day of the month holds a different prayer focus, with several additional ideas when there are 31 days.
You can start on whatever day you receive the calendar. Then on the following month, you can start over with Day 1 and continue praying each day. As new prayer requests come to All In Community, they will be shared through email for you to include in your prayer time.
We want to invite everyone to participate in this valuable ministry!
Jesus said that if we have the faith the size of a mustard seed, we can move mountains. [Matthew 17:20] Together, through prayer, we can start to move the mountains of stigma and shame away and build healthy relationships. We can listen for the small voices amongst us to make a difference in our communities ... one prayer at a time. Use the link below to get started.
Check the Events page and social media for upcoming training and events for laity and clergy or Contact Rev. Kathy Dickriede to learn more about any of these ministries.
When a person becomes justice-involved, we believe their loved ones are called to ministry by circumstance. When a person answers God’s nudge to do justice, we believe that person is called by conviction. We welcome and create space for people who are called to this ministry by conviction and/or by circumstances. Through All In Community, you can become a witness for God’s ability to transform lived experiences into life-giving ministry.
Contact an All In Community Coordinator:
Reba Collins, lead coordinator
E-mail | Phone: (513) 262-0184
Jami Nathan, ministries coordinator
E-mail | Phone: (491) 591-9717
Dr. Camisha Chambers, Nurturing Communities coordinator
E-mail | Phone: (614) 966-0281
Brenda Oyer, Grants & Giving coordinator
E-mail | Phone: (567) 277-0794
Find ministry-relevant information and resources in the following online locations:
All In Community West Ohio Conference Website
All In Community YouTube Channel
All In Community Facebook Group
Bulletin Insert for Churches
Second Chance Month Fact Sheet
What is National Second Chance Month to Us
Second Chance Sunday Church Service Outline
Rev. Kathy Dickriede
Connectional Ministries Office
Missions & Community Engagement Director
Ext. 114
The East Ohio Conference Office:
located in North Canton, OH,
near Akron-Canton Airport.
8800 Cleveland Ave. NW
North Canton, OH 44720
(330) 499-3972
Office Hours:
Monday through Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
© East Ohio Conference. All Rights Reserved.