Home | Central Valley District | Missions
* Indicates the Advance is also a Health & Well-Being Agency.
Canton For All People | EOC 9978*
Canton for All People is a Community Development Corporation formed by Crossroads UMC in partnership with the Lemmon and DeHoff family foundations and other area UMC churches to bring quality housing and opportunities for all people to downtown Canton.
Copeland Oaks Care Fund, Sebring | EOC 9172*
The Life Care Fund is an on-going program that provides financial assistance to aging folks in our care who can no longer afford to pay for housing, meals, prescriptions, and healthcare needs.
Thrive 10:10, Girard | EOC 9979
Through Ruth's Boutique, Thrive 10:10 serves the economically disenfranchised. We have served clients from diverse cultural backgrounds including Hispanic, African American, Asian American, and Caucasian. We have served women of all ages. We are currently serving women and teen girls but looking to expand to families in future.
View the complete list of Conference Advance Mission Partners and how to donate.
Rev. Edgar Brady
District Superintendent
Rev. Cara Stultz Costello
District Superintendent
Megan Myers
District Administrator
Social Media
8800 Cleveland Ave. NW
North Canton, OH 44720
Contact Information:
(330) 499-3972 ext. 202
Office Hours:
Monday through Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
© East Ohio Conference. All Rights Reserved.