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One of the most effective ways of reaching unchurched people for Christ is starting new churches.
Starting new churches takes the gospel to where people live. Since we all have different likes and dislikes, no single church can reach everyone. Multiple churches provide more points of entry for the pre-Christian. A growing number of churches makes it possible for more people to know Christ.
Another reason for starting churches is that our existing churches often have local traditions that are meaningful to the members but have little relevance to those who have not grown up in the church. A new church will begin new local traditions relevant for a new generation or culture.
Most new churches grow rapidly as a result of bringing new people to Christ. Not surprisingly, the excitement of a new church in the area often spreads to surrounding churches – bringing new life and vitality back into those congregations.
Path 1 is part of the Discipleship Ministries for The United Methodist Church and supports conferences in starting new churches. Find out more about Path 1 and new church starts in The United Methodist Church.
For specific questions about new church starts see below.
What is a New Church Start?
See Characteristics of New Church Starts for more information.
New Church Start Models
The models used for starting new churches are many and varied. It’s important to note that:
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Strategic Ministries
Rev. Beth Ortiz
Connectional Ministries Office
Strategic Ministries Director
Ext. 129
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near Akron-Canton Airport.
8800 Cleveland Ave. NW
North Canton, OH 44720
(330) 499-3972
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Monday through Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
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