Home | West Plains District | Lay Servant Ministries
Upcoming Lay Servant Ministries courses are listed here.
February 22 from 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Trinity UMC, 209 E. Main St., Shelby, OH
Registration and Details
Imagine what your church could do and be with an involved group of lay servants as leaders, teachers, doers, and supporters …
Lay servants use their gifts at the level where ministry happens: in the local church. Lay servant ministry builds leaders, and especially leaders who are growing spiritually as disciples. Lay servant training and experience often prepares a person to be involved in worship leadership and support. Since this is our most critical time each week to connect with each other and the community, it means that the laity, not just the pastor, are part of our passionate worship and hospitality. Lay servant ministry gives you a chance to serve in the model of Jesus.
Remember, lay servant ministry is just one path to draw laity into the life of the church.
Lay servant ministry is so much more than lay speaking! Lay servants in West Plains are communion stewards, Sunday School teachers, involved in United Methodist Women and United Methodist Men, leaders in the church, youth leaders, participants in Emmaus, part of district leadership and committees, liturgists and occasional preachers.
Beyond the local church lay servants are also critical in community outreach, mission trips, and service.
If you are already serving and leading in your local church and would like to be encouraged and find new meaning and depth in what you do.
If you have a desire to follow Jesus and reach out to others.
If you have a desire to share your faith with others, and see your church grow.
“A day of personal spiritual growth—a chance to catch the fire!”
“It helps you to be trained and gain confidence to do things you didn’t think you could do before.”
“It is a day of renewal and rebirth.”
“You get a new understanding of ministry, and new avenues you may want to pursue.”
“You meet people from other churches and strengthen relationships across the district.”
“You train with people who become your prayer partners in ministry.”
Chair Allen Laferty Sue Mitchell DeAnn McKillips Dawn Grygier |
Amy Ochier Lori Douglas Weaver Linda Cline Kerrie Zeuch |
Rev. Néstor Nazario
District Superintendent
Rev. Donna Van Trees
District Superintendent Associate
Renee Davis
District Administrator
Social Media
410 Park Ave. W., Suite 2
Mansfield, OH 44906
Contact Information:
(330) 499-3972 ext. 211
Office Hours:
Monday through Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
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