United Methodist Volunteers In Mission (UMVIM) is a grassroots network within The United Methodist Church that offers guidance, organization, and training for serving with the poor, building churches, and assisting in disaster response, community health, and leadership training on short-term mission journeys. You may serve as an individual or be part of a team of 10-16 people.
UMVIM Team Leader Trainings usually happen a couple times throughout the year and will be listed on the Events Registration page.
Search UMVIM Long-Term Recovery Projects here.
When you are part of an UMVIM team, you participate in each of the Four Areas of Focus of The United Methodist Church: you develop principled leaders, engage in ministry with the poor, improve global health, and create new and renewed faith communities. Living as a disciple, being the hands, feet, and heart of Jesus Christ in this way, makes new disciples and transforms the world.
UMVIM Sunday
UMVIM Awareness Sunday (EOC Fund 9643) calls the Church to celebrate those who have served in short-term missions and the work of UMVIM throughout the world. UMVIM Awareness Sunday Celebration shall be observed annually on a date to be determined by the local church. Rev. Dr. Tammy Kuntz has created bulletin inserts and other resources to help you celebrate UMVIM Sunday, see link below. Reach out to Rev. Kathy Dickriede by e-mail for speaker suggestions and more.
Blue Rose Mission, Mansfield
Covered Bridge Mission, Jefferson
North Street Mission, Wooster
The Nehemiah Mission, Cleveland
Urban Mission, Steubenville
Mission Barn, Pennsylvania
Midwest Mission, Illinois, Contact: Sandy Bittner E-mail
McCurdy Ministries, New Mexico
S.O.W.E.R. Henderson Settlement, Kentucky
United Methodist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM), North Central Jurisdiction
Youth Mission Trips, Contact: Kathy Dickriede E-mail
Camphor Mission Station, Contact: Jason Hockran E-mail
Ganta, Contact: Sophie Hockran E-mail
Farmer to Farmer, Contact: Pryde Bass E-mail or Robin Dillon E-mail
Africa University, Contact: Bruce Hitchcock E-mail
Emsizini, Contact: Russ Ham E-mail or John Parker E-mail
ZOE Ministry, Contact: Tom Koop E-mail
Cambodia, Contact: Nathan Howe E-mail
Philippines, Contact: Armando Arellano E-mail
Cuba, Contact: Allan Bevere E-mail
Haiti, Contact: Tom Sperl E-mail or Suzanne Lewis E-mail
Guatemala, Contact: Kimberly Arbaugh E-mail
Mexico, Contact: Tammy Kuntz E-mail or Carragan Deeks E_mail
Rev. Kathy Dickriede
Connectional Ministries Office
Missions & Community Engagement Director
Ext. 114
Social Media
The East Ohio Conference Office:
located in North Canton, OH,
near Akron-Canton Airport.
8800 Cleveland Ave. NW
North Canton, OH 44720
(330) 499-3972
Office Hours:
Monday through Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
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